Sundays at 9:00 AM in person and livestreamed from Fellowship Hall
Through a passionate, yet informal style, coupled with a worship band, multimedia, and many other creative elements, we celebrate our love for Jesus Christ and are encouraged to serve Christ through intentional discipleship.
Join us on all Sundays except the first of the month in the Chapel for Communion at 10:30 AM. Communion will be IN service on the first Sunday.
Stream Team Invitation
Our Stream Team is always on the lookout for new individuals to add to our team for Sunday morning streams. There are many different things you can do (and you don't need prior experience). Contact Andrew Ring or the church office to get involved.Fellowship Hour
Fellowship hour is looking for individuals, families, Journey Groups or Teams to host on Sunday mornings. There are also still opportunities to donate prepackaged food such as chips, crackers, and cookies. To get involved or know more, please contact Kathy Fellows: 440-477-4485.
Sunday Morning Signups
If you are interested in signing up to be a Section Leader, Greeter, or Ambassador during a service on a Sunday morning, please visit our sign ups page and scroll down until you see the appropriate headings. Learn more about these positions here.Faith Friends
Click here for information about becoming a faith friend!⭐ For signups or registration for upcoming events, groups, or missions click here