Local Missions
Food Ministry
You can designate your giving in person or online to Food Ministry (envelopes available in the Info Hub and Narthex). Help support our ongoing food outreach including More Than a Meal, Distributions, Meal Blessings, and more.
Food items can be dropped off in the Community Center. Monetary donations are also accepted through your designated giving.
Click here for an extended list of items that our Food Ministry needs.
More Than a Meal
More Than a Meal is a food ministry of MUMC that gives a sense of connection as well as a meal. Many of those who need food are also in need of seeing a smile and hearing a kind word. On the last Saturday of each month, we cook a meal and serve in our Fellowship Hall. You can help cook, clean up, or hand out meals while interacting with guests.
Often a group will get together to work the meal and enjoy fellowship while giving back to the community. The time commitment is four hours. The gift of your time and energy is much needed!
Please use this link to sign up online through SignUpGenius.
Dine & Discover
The Dine & Discover ministry seeks to offer tools and resources to individuals and families about nutrition and healthy eating. Learn more here.
Disaster Relief
Donate to disaster relief by visiting UMCOR’s website.
Hope Chest
You can drop off donations in the Community Center or designate your giving to “Hope Chest”.
Alzheimer’s Walk 2025
Walk to End Alzheimer’s 2025 will be held at Lake Farm Park on September 27th, 2025. This year our team goal is to raise $2,000. All Journey groups & committees are encouraged to walk as part of Team MUMC. As we get closer, we’ll work on designing team shirts for each group that joins MUMC team.
Caring Servants
Who are we? Caring Servants is an extension of the pastoral visitation ministry to the
homebound or chronically ill members of Mentor United Methodist Church. As such, we are not
a committee, and instead focus on the care needs of our faith community as servants of Christ.
What do we do? Caring Servants provide regular contact through cards, calls, visits, or “special
deliveries” on a monthly basis. By using a buddy system and focusing on 4-6 people we “share
the care” on a regular basis in order to keep people connected to their church.
What we are asking? Maybe you have a heart for the needs of others and are able to listen to
people who are increasingly isolated. All we ask is that you prayerfully consider being a part of
our caring team of Jesus followers.
Fill out the Caring Servants Monthly Report HERE
If you are a Caring Servant, someone dealing with various issues, or are a caregiver, a new group is meeting on the third Monday of every month at MUMC. Support for All: Anyone with or have any medical, health, physical, disabilities, mental, emotional, caregivers, and helpers of those etc. are invited. First meeting is June 17 from 6-8 PM.
Project Hope for the Homeless
Find out about Lake County’s only homeless shelter, their new Families Moving Forward program, and how you can help support this important ministry. Read More
The Homeless shelter of Lake County, located at 25 Freedom Rd. Painesville, relies on volunteers to provide a meal each night for 40 individuals and drop it off at the shelter by 6:45 p.m. Mentor UMC coordinated the first Wednesday of each month and you can help! Contact the Church Office at 440-255-3496 to sign up to help.
Click here to view details about February’s Mission Moment for Project Hope.
Joseph Ministry
The Joseph Ministry was created to help local people with small repair jobs. It consists of a small group of volunteers that assist our neighbors when skill level, age, illness, or misfortune prevents them from doing things around the house that need to be done.
Click here to learn more
Ohio Guidestone
Royal Family Kids Camp
Royal Family KIDS is the nation’s leading network of camps and mentor clubs for children of abuse, abandonment and neglect. Thank you to Abbie Akucewich for sharing an RFK “Story of the One” with us, which can be viewed here.
Catalyst Ministry
Did you know that MUMC has a relationship with Catalyst Ministry, the children of Painesville City Schools, and Woodlawn Home Community in Painesville? Catalyst Ministry is a federally recognized, not for profit organization that is focused on investing resources in the local community through Christian centered initiatives. It was founded in 2009 and MUMC has worked with CM on various endeavors for many years. This has included student tutoring, Vacation Bible School, and other events for the residents of Woodlawn Homes. They also provide meal baskets at Easter and Christmas. They also provide new shoes for the school-aged children of Woodlawn Homes (if needed) in the fall.
Catalyst Ministry and MUMC have been involved with Woodlawn Homes for a number of years. Woodlawn Homes is a Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority Community made up of 70 townhouse homes on the streets of Sanders, Shelby, and Homeworth in North Painesville. The units have 2-4 bedrooms and are intended for families who meet income qualifications and screening of LMHA. The US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development oversees LMHA and its treatment of all applicants. most are single parent homes and many children (who could use help) live in this community.
Our MUWF does a great deal to help the people of Woodlawn Homes. They purchase coats and boots for children in need each winter. They also help provide baskets of laundry detergent, cleaning detergent and other household needs in the Spring to the residents. And they sponsor social events for the children and families at the Woodlawn Homes’ Community Center throughout the year. Opportunities for these events will be posted in the Weekly Update and church website.